8:00 am
-4:00 pm
Bays 6,8-12 Pre-Registration Required
Bays 6,8-12 Pre-Registration Required
USPSA Bays6,8-12
Registration and Fee Payments 9AM-9:45AM Match Starts at 10AM Cost:$20 Office
Click on this link for Match Registration:
8:30 am
-12:30 pm
Junior Trap Shooting Practice
Junior Trap Shooting Practice
T Cost - Free Dave Imel 541-926-3716 davidimel1949@gmail.com Non-members contact Dave Imel for access prior to the event
9:00 am
-4:00 pm
Hunter Sight-In Days
MR Last Shooter at 3:30pm
Hunter Sight-In Days
Last Shooter at 3:30pm
Cost:$10 Non-Members
Yes, it is important to have that favorite rifle sighted in PRIOR to your fall hunting trip or you can have a built in excuse for missing that big buck or bull elk. Albany Rifle and Pistol Club will be open to the general public for two weekends in September (see our calendar for dates) from 9am to 4pm to sight in hunting rifles. The cost is still $10 per rifle and this includes targets. ARPC club members can also use this service without paying the $10 fee as it is considered a membership benefit. Experienced club members will be assisting each person during the sight-in process to make sure the range is operating safely. Everyone must wear eye and ear protection. Safety glasses and ear plugs will be available for purchase if someone forgets to bring them. If you are a club member and want to help at Hunter's Sight In Days contact the club office at 541-491-3755.
1:00 pm
-4:00 pm
Five Stand
Five Stand
T Cost: Contac Chip Cover 541-990-3321 cover12@comcast.net Non-members contact Chip Cover for access prior to the event
5:00 pm
-6:00 pm
Indoor Range Safety Class
IR Clubhouse
Indoor Range Safety Class
Clubhouse IR Club Office 541-491-3755
You need to sign into your Member Page on our website and under members only, click resources, then Indoor Range Safety Program. Read the work book and take the 14 question test. You must answer all 14 questions correctly. Then email Classes@arpc.info to sign up for the next class. Classes are held on the second Saturday each month @ 5 PM.