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GREEN=Open Events-Call Contact Listed For Entry Info -----BLUE=Law Enforcement Only------RED=Important Notifications------PURPLE=Informational Only
KEY: NRC= North Range Classroom, MRC=Main Range Classroom, IR=Indoor Range, MR=Main Range, TC=Trap Range Classroom, T=Trap Range, A=Archery Range

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ARPC Experience
Bays 8-12
Pre-registration required



Title: ARPC Experience
Bays 8-12
Pre-registration required
Description: ARPC Experience
Bays 7-12
Pre-Registration Required

ARPC is Sponsoring “The ARPC Experience” on June 26th, 2022. It will be a six stage match utilizing Modern Sporting Rifles and semi auto handguns. Stage composition will be 2 rifle/pistol stages, 2 USPSA style stages and 2 Speed Steel style stages. There will be 6 squads (80 slots).

Cost will be $125 per person. A delicious catered BBQ lunch provided by Pig Out BBQ will be included.
Ramiro Herrera will be the Range Master and Caleb Fisher will be the Match Director. They have recruited support from 2A businesses and there will be many raffle prizes. Mazama Sporting Goods is donating an FN 509C for the winner! A custom Sig Sauer Legion pistol and an awesome “battle worn” AK built by McCluskey Arms are just two of the available raffle prizes. We will be selling custom Event T-Shirts and a special coin will be given to all participants to commemorate the event. Special thanks to Matt Adamson at mxadam.com for the awesome artwork! The Match Fees will benefit the ARPC Junior Program, Instruction Program and the General Fund.
If you would like to participate as a competitor or RO please send an email to Classes@arpc.info We are looking for ROs experienced in USPSA, Multigun or Speed Steel to help with the match. ROs will shoot the match for free. They will need to help setup and will shoot the match on Saturday and then RO a stage on Sunday.

Cancellation Policy
ARPC Cancellation
ARPC reserves the right to cancel events 48 hours prior to the event. We will notify Participants via email of the cancellation. All Participants who have paid in full will be given a full refund.
Participants Cancellation Participants can request a full refund up to June 15 at 5pm. Any cancellations after June 15 and the fee will be forfeit. All requests must be made by email to Classes@arpc.info .