Title: Range Day
Meet in Bay 12
Pre-Registration Required
The ARPC Range Days are an opportunity to work on rifle and pistol drills in a controlled setting and share camaraderie with a group of like minded individuals.
Required Gear:rifle with sling, pistol with OWB Kydex holster, belt with at least one rifle mag pouch and two pistol mag pouches, minimum of 150 rounds of rifle ammo (no M855 or AP), minimum of 150 rounds pistol ammo, and eye and ear protection.
Suggested Gear:Rain gear and warm clothing, food (water will be supplied but bring any other drinks you want), knee and elbow pads

Drill 1:
Kill Card Drill with rifle
- 7 yards, 3 rifle mags
-USPSA target with similar size hit boxes pasted onto target with 1ea 8x11in , 1ea 2in circle & 3x5in note card size hit boxes.
-Start position is low ready.
-1st mag will have 2 rounds & the 2nd will have 4rds, finishing with your last 2 rounds mag
-Start with your 2 round mag, on the timer beep you will place 2 rounds into the 2in circle, conduct a bolt lock reload of 4 rounds and place them into the 8x11 in box , perform another bolt lock reload and finish the last 2 rounds on the 3x5 note card.
-The orientation of the targets will be similar to REFACTORTACTICAL essentials target, boxes 1, 7 & 12
- Par time 7sec

Drill 2:
Half & Half
-Rifle only drill
-3 mags , 10 rounds each.
-Start position is low ready.
-This drill is a 3 part drill conducted at distances of 20 yard, 10yard & will finish at 5 yards.
-Starting at the 20yard mark on timer beep you will place 10 rounds in under 10 sec.
-As you can expect we will cut the distance and time in HALF , 10 yards, 10 rounds in under 5 sec.
-Finishing at 5 yards, 10 rounds in 2.5 sec.

Drill 3:
4EATS Drill Rifle to pistol transition 1 rifle mag & 2 pistol mags
-Conducted on 4EATS target.
-Start position is low ready with rifle loaded with 12 round mag. Pistol will be loaded with 3 rounds and holstered. 1ea 3 round pistol mag on belt for reload.
-On timer beep you will shoot all 2in circles with 2 rounds each rifle then transition to pistol. Then place 1 round in each small A circle , perform a slide lock reload and place the last 3 rounds into small B circles.

Drill 4: Gunslinger Transition drill Rifle to pistol transition.
-1 rifle mag & 1 pistol mag
-3 reps conducted @ 25 yards
-C zones hit acceptable
-Start position is low ready with 1ea 3 round rifle mag and 3 round pistol magazine, ensure your pistol is loaded and holstered.
-On timer beep you shoot 1 rifle round, then transition to pistol and place 1 round only at the target. Reset by holstering your pistol and bringing your rifle back up and it should be placed on safe when it leaves your shoulder. Failure to place on safe will DQ you from the drill. We will run the drill 3 times each , par time is 2.50 sec.

Drill 5: Blackout tomahawk drill Pistol only @ 6 yards
-4 pistol mags, 3 reload 7.
-Starting position is w/ back facing target, loaded with 3 rounds, on timer beep spin, draw and fire 7 rounds till slide lock, perform a reload of your 3 round mag and finish your last 3 rounds. Then this will be reset and repeated spinning the opposite way. total par time is less than 10 sec.

Drill 6: Draw 1 @ 50 yards Pistol only Target is 4EATS signature steel Thor target. USPSA size steel.
-1 Rep only, practice rounds will be in effect prior.

Drill 7: Speed steel stage Pistol only @12 yards with various target sizes and shapes.
-Starting position is hands down to the side, shooter will be shooting from the shot box on ground .
-3 Reps

Drill 8: Texas Dueling star Pistol only
-Head-to-head competition, Single man elimination till last man standing.
-Pistol mags are limited to 10 rounds only, make them count!

To Register for this event please send and email to

Registration fee: $50 per person

For Questions about the event or drills listed please contact:
Ramiro Herrera

Or Contact Caleb Fisher