ARPC CALENDAR 11/20/2010 to 11/20/2010

9:00 am-5:00 pm:
Junior 3P and Adult .22 Rimfire - American Legion Benefit Turkey Shoot
Click Here
Junior 3P and Adult .22 Rimfire - American Legion Benefit Turkey Shoot
Junior Cost:$10 / Adults: $15
Barbara Shew

.22 Rimfire Sporter Rifle: Any rifle with the capacity of at least 5 rounds (bolt, lever action, pump, semi-auto) with scope or iron sights. Course of Fire: 10 sighter shots, 20 shots prone, 20 shots sitting or kneeling, 20 shots standing at 50 and 25 yards in rapid fire and slow fire. Divisions: Scope against Scope, Iron against Iron. Entry Fee: 15.00, Start 0900, Albany Rifle and Pistol Club, 29999 Saddle Butte Road, Shedd. Loaner Rifles available, ammo available for purchase @ 70 rounds for $4.00. Awards per each relay, Items for a Thanksgiving table.

3P Smallbore 3x20 match - 20 shots Prone, Standing, Kneeling. Entry Fee: 10.00 13 per relay, two relays: 0900, 11:30am, Albany Rifle and Pistol Club, 29999 Saddle Butte Road, Shedd. Awards: 3P - Advanced, 3P Supported, New. Items for a Thanksgiving table.

Come out and have fun, Something for Mom, Dad and the Junior shooters. (Bring Grandpa too)
9:00 am-12:00 pm:
Basic Pistol For Women 101
Click Here
Basic Pistol For Women 101
North Range
Bay 3
Mike McCarter